We are dedicated to organic

At Indigena “Organic” isn’t just a buzzword. It’a philosophy and a way of life guiding how we conduct all our work.

Avoiding toxic pesticides and other non-organic chemicals is imperative to us. We therefore only source produce from certified smallholder and natural farmers in remote parts of India; many of whom are engaged in Vedic farming practices on organic land, which is often now marketed as ‘Biodynamic’. 

We supply wild medicinal herbs in their most nutritionally dense state: sourced directly from rural communities living in and around the forests of India.

When certified organic materials are not available, we opt for those cultivated without chemicals or synthetic inputs. Many of these are ethically harvested in the wild, thus liberating us from commercial farming dependencies.

We guarantee 100% transparency and all our products undergo rigorous third-party testing as per organic standards.

Our extensive auditing protocols are carried out each year by Ecocert to ensure full organic traceability and fair trade practices for all our products. All of our products are meticulously analyzed in our Quality Control lab. Organic and sustainable agriculture continues to be a guiding force in our purchasing department and in our personal commitment to People and Planet before Profit.